• UI Graphics
  • Animation
I closely worked with the content strategy team to design the account creation page for Mason
We believed the graphics on the account creation page should pack in impact, and show immediate value to give our target audience that final nudge to sign up for our product.
Key features to represent
Easy Collaboration across even unlikely collaborators like product and growth marketing.
Smart Adapts - more than auto-resize, content that truly re-adjusts itself to suit an end platform.
Multi-creative layouts - not a single post or page, but a versatile set of creatives in a cohesive visual language that can be used together in many ways.
Challenges & Learnings
Abstraction of content - There were a lot of things the POs wanted to say on this page, but it came down to prioritizing the information into as few key ideas as possible - even so, only one key message can shine through in the graphic.
Despite wireframe-ing, reviewing and animating the content to finish, there was still a last minute turn-around of ideas that everyone agreed fit the bill better - I learnt that sometimes we have to go back to the board to explore a better idea
““Every single lesson that you learn in a startup is just in time – or sometimes just after you needed to know it.””
Melanie Perkins in Masters of Scale
Kubric Website & Visual Identity