Autobadging for product images on shopify stores.
Modemagic is a shopify app that helps store owners badge products on their store. Select products, collections or criteria - pick a badge, & watch your store make itself over!
Unifying a fragmented brand image
Before I led design for modemagic, it had an adhoc brand image with distinct and seperate color palettes being used on the websites, marketing communication, app listing pages as well as in the app itself.
A mature & adaptable color palette
I built a color palette starting off with some colors that had the biggest representation - extending it to include enough colors to create contrast and interest and was versatile enough for its many appearances - in illustrations, dark and light backgrounds, in UI, etc.
Modemagic marketing page (WIP)
This was a first exploration for the modemagic landing page. The idea was to immediately show them the value of the product with output examples and also give them a try-me experience with the badges.
Empty State
In a exercise to refresh empty states with more relevant content, this was one output where we redirected users to make a badge when they can't find the exact badge they're looking for.
Illustrating Pro Features
Illustrating in a quick animation that represents the value of our automation feature. The challenge was to animate this in a storyline without any cuts or overwhelming transitions & instead keep it simple.
Persuasive Button Design
Various button design explorations focusing on simple but fun hover animations that nudge the user to click on it.
Empty State to Inspiration Page
When a user has removed all the stickers on their store, we show them an empty state. The idea was to suggest a curated set of stickers relevant to their domain that look good & that they can shuffle through. When they see a sticker they like, they can directly use it.
A lead generation quiz to capture interest.
Our marketing team was running a growth expriment in the form of a quiz to capture leads. The design had to be simple and engaging. I added a small sneak-peak detail to keep the users curious for their results.
Scheduling a sale for a later date
Experience design for a date picker to schedule campaigns. The challenge was to include an option for an end date as well as a range of days without making it feel too clunky.
Selecting destination before Update
A feature for the user to select relevant pages for their badging. The challenge was to append this feature to an already ovewhelming page but in a manner they would not easily miss.
Guidelines for sticker quality.
The merchandise team churned out a large quantity of stickers that were creative but a lot of times not usable due to a lack of guidelines for creation. To prevent all this effort going to waste we created a system to ensure that all stickers would pass some high-level quality checks.
Designing an Email Component System
The objective was to help our marketing team create emailers without having to always pull in design for help. We created a very simple structure in consultation with our content writers that stayed consistent with our brand.
Documentation of the Design Process
As our team got bigger, there was a need for structure & consistency not just in our designs but also in our design process. Being a really fast paced team at a startup, I formalized the process we already roughly follow as a team and created a method for documentation.
Design Teardown System Setup
When we get the opportunity to do so, we do teardowns modelling the case studies. Overlaying this user journey with observations, insights and opportunity areas have really helped us get a holistic perspective & observe patterns and hypothesize. I created a figma system to easily do these teardowns.
Design for hiring - design tasks
As a first time lead, this was the point I realized the importance & role of design in seemingly non-design tasks - like hiring. After a few unsuccessful hiring rounds with cookie cutter tasks, I came up with an evaluation score-card and design task that was specific to our team and what we were looking for.
“Every single lesson that you learn in a startup is just in time – or sometimes just after you needed to know it.”
I have tried to highlight my most relevant contributions to this product that were within the scope of my role. My work gets done in collaboration with a larger team of product owners, managers and my fellow design team-mates. Collaborators for some of the projects above: